Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Forest Gump….

I had watched this movie about 9 years back in bits and pieces. I watched it today at full length and was totally touched by this selfless character. I know he is not a normal guy but what I liked about him in spite of that was his earnestness, dedication, clarity and pure innocence. He loved his childhood friend so deeply that he wasn’t distracted by other women even when they threw themselves on him. I simply love this character in a man. A man who loves and respects someone and their feelings so deeply that he doesn’t get carried away by any women who tries to lure him. This shows a lot of character & dedication in a man. It's hard to find such people. I loved it when he waited for her all his life even though she didn’t care for him much. She kept coming back to his life and kept going back whenever she desired . But he never complained and simply loved her. He didn’t expect anything back from her but just wanted to be with her all the time. His love was so pure that he didn’t expect to have a physical relationship with her. I always had the picture of my ideal man with all these qualities but never met one. After I watched the movie I am contented that I saw all those qualities in this character. It touched my heart.

My thirst is quenched…

Finally I read “5 point someone”. I had been looking for this book for eons. I remember when I heard that this book was a college story I desperately wanted to read it. I knew it’ll have all the mirch and masala in it and moreover I would feel fresh and rejuvenated reading it. Hey it doesn’t mean I’m very old or anything ,it’s that freshness you have in your teenage and early twenties. Anyway, so back to how badly I wanted to read this book. I browsed for the book in the local library but no luck. I could have purchased it if I were in India and finished the book in one straight shot. Yup that is how intense I get if the book is interesting. We once went to a friend’s house warming ceremony. I had asked every friend of mine if they had this novel. So I guess this friend was the only one left whom I hadn’t asked. So finally I asked him “Have you read 5 point someone?” and he said “Yes I have. It's a great book. I think I have a copy of the book with me”. I was elated. This poor fellow was busy entertaining the guests and in the middle of it I shamelessly asked him if he can give me the book right now. For which he said sure and tried to search for the book. But like how a lemon shrinks when you poke it and keep it for a while , my exuberance just faded away. After that I forgot about the book as I was busy with work. But I still used to ask any new friend I made about it. So finally in my break we went to a friend’s house and then my hubby said “5 point someone” reading the cover of a book. I was overjoyed. Finally, there it was the book that I have been looking for. Thanks to my friend who got this book from a library and had not returned it since I wanted to read it. I didn’t have a lot of free time to read this book. I was busy cooking as my in-laws were here. But whenever I got a little bit of time I would read it and today(June 8th '09) I finished the book. I feel a sense of satisfaction. Huh!! sounds funny right. I must say the book was hilarious. I loved all the 3 characters Hari, Ryan and Alok. When I finished reading the last lines of the book I kinda felt really sad. It was as though I knew these 3 characters from the book in real life who were such great friends in college, who stayed with each other through thick and thin and it was their last day together. I still wanted to read more about the troubles they would be getting into, the fights they would have frequently, super confident and smart Mr.Ryan’s superior ideas ,Hari giving in to all of Ryan’s goofy thoughts, Alok always confronting Ryan’s idea but finally surrendering after several arguments. I didn’t want it to end. I wanted more of the story. I guess that is how you deduce if you liked something or not ,you always want more of it. Besides this, it reminded me of my college days and we were exactly 3 best friends and had really been for each other through all our sorrows and joy. Great job!! Chetan Bhagath.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Change in perspective.

I am a great lover of birds. Watching birds has been a passion since childhood. Waking up early and just listening to the chirping sounds of birds makes me ecstatic. It is the most soothing thing for me. Recently I watched a documentary on birds. The narrator explains how birds try to claim their territory by bringing out different sounds and really screaming out loud to make their point clear that "This property is mine". He explained further that when they sense danger they have a different sound with varying frequencies. So the next day I went out in the morning to my patio where I have put up a bird feeder. A "chikadee" who was busy eating looked at me and flew straight to a tree nearby and started making different sounds. This is not new it happens all the time. But the difference now was that, before I watched the documentary I would feel the sound of this bird to be very soothing and relaxing without realising what the bird exactly was feeling. It is soothing even now but it made me actually feel a little guilty. The bird was actually petrified to death that it would be attacked and hence it was yelling out loud that there is danger here . But for me that same sound is relaxing. What an irony!! Similarly I used to enjoy whenever two or more birds made these beautiful sounds in my patio but now I am awakened to the fact that they are actually telling each other "Get out of my territory" but again that to me was soothing:-) Before I used to watch birds in an abstract way and would think wow!! they are such beautiful creatures on earth with such an assuasive voice, thats it. But after I watched the documentary I look at these magnificient little angels in a diffrent way. Now when I go to the patio and see them flying away and singing I feel that oh no!! they are getting scared of me. But yet I would like to live in this belief that they are extremely happy and spreading that happiness to us by bringing out that melodious song of theirs.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Most Touching book.

Few days back I read this book "A Journal for Jordan" by Dana Canedy. I was totally engrossed in it as it was a real life story. It was about a chivalrous army man and his family. The book is written by his wife Dana Canedy who has a year old kid. Through this book she made me realize that life is so precious and you should be happy for every moment that you spend with your family 'cos you never know what might happen the next minute. When you read this book it makes you realize the scarifices the army men make in order to protect us and our country. They put their lifes in jeopardy for the whole country. Their efforts and sacrifices are commendable. This book touched my soul in many ways.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My first Blog !!!!!

Hi ,

I am all excited to start blogging. Was thinking of creating one from a long time. Finally !!!